add maze
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import tempfile
import urllib.request
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from contextlib import contextmanager
from random import choice, randrange
from typing import NamedTuple, Optional
import PIL
@ -148,6 +149,75 @@ def choose_plural(amount, declensions):
return f"{amount} {declensions[i]}"
def maze_gen(row=4, col=4):
"""генератор карты
взял с коментария
row = max(2 * row + 1, 3)
col = max(2 * col + 1, 3)
maze = [[2] * col]
maze.extend([[2] + [1] * (col - 2) + [2] for _ in range(row - 2)])
curr = (randrange(1, len(maze) - 1, 2), randrange(1, len(maze[0]) - 1, 2))
path = [curr]
maze[curr[0]][curr[1]] = 0
while path:
nexts = [
(r1, c1, r2, c2)
for r, c in zip((1, 0, -1, 0), (0, 1, 0, -1))
if (
(r1 := curr[0] + r) is None
or (c1 := curr[1] + c) is None
or (r2 := curr[0] + 2 * r) is None
or (c2 := curr[1] + 2 * c) is None
or 1 == maze[r1][c1] == maze[r2][c2]
if len(nexts):
r1, c1, r2, c2 = choice(nexts)
maze[r1][c1] = maze[r2][c2] = 0
path.append((r2, c2))
curr = path.pop()
upd = {
("22", "20"): (None, "00"),
("02", "22"): ("00", None),
("11101", "00101", "11111", "10100", "10111"): (
("10111", "10100", "11111", "00101", "11101"): (
for key in upd:
for i in range(len(maze) - len(key) + 1):
for j in range(len(maze[0]) - len(key[0]) + 1):
if all(
maze[i + k][j : j + len(v)] == list(map(int, v))
for k, v in enumerate(key)
for k, v in filter(lambda x: x[1], enumerate(upd[key])):
maze[i + k][j : j + len(v)] = list(map(int, v))
return maze
def get_maze_sz(maze: list[list[int]]) -> Coords:
return Coords(len(maze[0]), len(maze))
class GameObject(ABC):
"""обобщение игрового элемента"""
@ -162,7 +232,7 @@ class GameObject(ABC):
assets: dict | None = None,
self.parent = parent
self._coords = coords
self.rect = pygame.Rect(coords, coords)
self.assets = assets or (parent.assets if parent else None)
self._surface = None
@ -170,20 +240,24 @@ class GameObject(ABC):
def surface(self) -> pygame.Surface | None:
return self._surface or (self.parent.surface if self.parent else None)
def scene(self):
return self.parent.scene if self.parent else self
def get_coords(self) -> Coords:
return self._coords
return Coords(*self.rect.topleft)
def set_coords(self, coords: Coords):
if self.parent:
if self.parent.surface:
if not (
coords.x >= 0
and coords.x < self.parent.surface.get_width()
and coords.x + self.rect.width <= self.parent.surface.get_width()
and coords.y >= 0
and coords.y < self.parent.surface.get_height()
and coords.y + self.rect.height < self.parent.surface.get_height()
self._coords = coords
self.rect.topleft = coords
def draw(self):
@ -204,23 +278,46 @@ class Hero(GameObject):
assets: dict | None = None,
super().__init__(coords, parent, assets)
screen_sz = Coords(*parent.surface.get_size())
ghost_sz = screen_sz // 10
resize_img(self.assets, "ghost.png", ghost_sz)
self._surface = pygame.image.load(self.assets["ghost.png"])
self.rect = self.surface.get_rect()
self.coords = coords
def set_coords(self, coords: Coords):
self.rect.topleft = self.coords
self.rect.topleft = coords
def draw(self):
self.parent.surface.blit(self.surface, self.rect)
def _check_collision(self, coords):
"""Проверка пересечения со стенами"""
new_rect = self.rect.copy()
new_rect.topleft = coords
return self.scene.walls.check_collision(new_rect)
def _reduce_step(self, coords):
"""Уменьшение шага движения, с целью подойти вплотную к стене"""
delta = coords - self.coords
dx, dy = 0, 0
if abs(delta.x) > 1:
dx = 1 * (delta.x < 0 or -1)
if abs(delta.y) > 1:
dy = 1 * (delta.y < 0 or -1)
return coords + Coords(dx, dy)
def set_coords(self, coords: Coords):
# проверка колизии
has_collision = self._check_collision(coords)
if not has_collision:
return super().set_coords(coords)
# уменьшение шага
while has_collision and coords != self.coords:
coords_new = self._reduce_step(coords)
if coords_new == coords:
return # не могу уменьшить шаг
coords = coords_new
has_collision = self._check_collision(coords)
def handle_event(self, event: pygame.event.Event):
delta = 10
delta = 30
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
match event.key:
case pygame.K_UP | pygame.K_w:
@ -233,25 +330,106 @@ class Hero(GameObject):
self.coords += Coords(1, 0) * delta
class WallBlock(GameObject):
"""объект елемента стены"""
def __init__(
coords: Coords,
parent: GameObject,
assets: dict | None = None,
super().__init__(coords, parent, assets)
self._surface = pygame.image.load(self.assets["brick.png"])
self.rect = self.surface.get_rect()
self.rect.topleft = coords
def draw(self):
self.parent.surface.blit(self.surface, self.rect)
def handle_event(self, event: pygame.event.Event):
class Walls(GameObject):
"""объект стен"""
def __init__(
parent: GameObject,
maze: list[list[int]],
box_sz: Coords,
assets: dict | None = None,
super().__init__(, parent, assets)
self.box_sz = box_sz
self.blocks = [
WallBlock(Coords(j, i).transform(box_sz), self, self.assets)
for i, row in enumerate(maze)
for j, item in enumerate(row)
if item > 0
def draw(self):
for block in self.blocks:
def check_collision(self, rect: pygame.Rect) -> bool:
for block in self.blocks:
if block.rect.colliderect(rect):
return True
return False
def handle_event(self, event: pygame.event.Event):
for block in self.blocks:
class Scene(GameObject):
"""основной игровой объект"""
# кнопки для выхода из игры
exit_keys = (pygame.K_ESCAPE, pygame.K_q)
def __init__(self, assets: dict, sz: Coords):
def __init__(self, assets: dict, screen_sz: Coords, maze_sz: Coords):
super().__init__(, None, assets)
self._surface = pygame.display.set_mode(sz)
self.hero = Hero(Coords(100, 100), self)
resize_img(assets, "bg1k.png", sz)
self.maze = maze_gen(*maze_sz)
maze_sz = get_maze_sz(self.maze)
box_sz = screen_sz // get_maze_sz(self.maze)
self.box_sz = box_sz
resize_img(self.assets, "brick.png", box_sz)
hero_sz = Coords(*map(int, box_sz * 0.8))
resize_img(self.assets, "ghost.png", hero_sz)
hero_y_offset = (box_sz.y - hero_sz.y) // 2 + box_sz.y
self._surface = pygame.display.set_mode(screen_sz)
self.rect = self._surface.get_rect()
self.hero = Hero(Coords(0, hero_y_offset), self)
resize_img(assets, "bg1k.png", screen_sz)
self.background = pygame.image.load(self.assets["bg1k.png"])
self.done = False
self.maze = maze_gen(6, 6)
self.walls = Walls(self, self.maze, box_sz)
def get_exit_rect(self) -> pygame.Rect:
maze_sz = get_maze_sz(self.maze)
coords = (maze_sz - Coords(1, 2)) * self.box_sz
rect = pygame.Rect(coords, coords)
rect.width, rect.height = self.box_sz
return rect
def draw(self):
if self.done:
self.surface.blit(self.background, self.coords)
pygame.draw.rect(self._surface, pygame.Color("#42c53d25"), self.get_exit_rect())
def handle_event(self, event: pygame.event.Event):
if self.done:
@ -276,9 +454,10 @@ class Scene(GameObject):
def game(assets):
screen_sz = Coords(1000, 1000)
maze_sz = Coords(6, 6)
pygame.display.set_caption("Движение рисунка на Pygame")
scene = Scene(assets, screen_sz)
scene = Scene(assets, screen_sz, maze_sz)
@ -288,6 +467,7 @@ def main():
assets = [
with get_assets(assets) as assets:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user