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synced 2024-12-04 18:46:52 +00:00
Добавлен вывод списка кластеров, серверов, баз и т.д
Добавлено отображение параметров кластера: сервера, базы, соединения, блокировки и т.д.
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,3 +9,4 @@
set host 1c-vm-srv
set port 1541
@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
# Rac GUI
# Distributed under GNU Public License
# Rac GUI
# Distributed under GNU Public License
# Author: Sergey Kalinin svk@nuk-svk.ru
# Home page: https://bitbucket.org/svk28/rac-gui
- Добавлен вывод списка кластеров, серверов, баз и т.д
- Добавлено отображение параметров кластера: сервера, базы, соединения, блокировки и т.д.
- Beginning the project
- Beginning the project
@ -13,36 +13,177 @@ proc Quit {} {
proc TreePress {tree} {
global host
set cluster [$tree item [$tree selection] -values]
set root [$tree selection]
RunCommand $root "infobase summary list --cluster=$cluster $host"
set id [$tree selection]
set values [$tree item [$tree selection] -values]
set key [lindex [split $id "::"] 0]
puts "$key, $id , $values"
Run::$key $tree $host $values
#RunCommand $root "infobase summary list --cluster=$cluster $host"
namespace eval Run {} {}
proc Run::server {tree host values} {
puts "Server info $host $values"
set lst [RunCommand server::$host "cluster list $host"]
set l [split $lst "&"]
foreach i $l {
set cluster_list [split $i ":"]
if {[string trim [lindex $cluster_list 0]] eq "cluster"} {
set cluster_id [string trim [lindex $cluster_list 1]]
lappend cluster($cluster_id) $cluster_id
if {[string trim [lindex $cluster_list 0]] eq "name"} {
lappend cluster($cluster_id) [string trim [lindex $cluster_list 1]]
foreach x [array names cluster] {
set id [lindex $cluster($x) 0]
if { [$tree exists "cluster::$id"] == 0 } {
$tree insert "server::$host" end -id "cluster::$id" -text "[lindex $cluster($x) 1]" -values "$id"
InsertClusterItems $tree $id
proc Run::cluster {$tree host values} {
global active_cluster
set active_cluster $values
puts "Server info $host $values"
puts [RunCommand cluster::$values "cluster info --cluster=$values $host"]
proc Run::infobases {tree host values} {
global active_cluster
.frm_work.tree_work delete [ .frm_work.tree_work children {}]
set lst [RunCommand infobase::$values "infobase summary --cluster=$active_cluster list $host"]
set l [split $lst "&"]
foreach i $l {
set base_list [split $i ":"]
if {[string trim [lindex $base_list 0]] eq "infobase"} {
set base_id [string trim [lindex $base_list 1]]
lappend base($base_id) $base_id
if {[string trim [lindex $base_list 0]] eq "name"} {
lappend base($base_id) [string trim [lindex $base_list 1]]
InsertItemsWorkList $base_list
foreach x [array names base] {
set id [lindex $base($x) 0]
if { [$tree exists "infobase::$id"] == 0 } {
$tree insert "infobases::$values" end -id "infobase::$id" -text "[lindex $base($x) 1]" -values "$id"
InsertBaseItems $tree $id
proc Run::infobase {tree host values} {
global active_cluster
.frm_work.tree_work delete [ .frm_work.tree_work children {}]
set lst [RunCommand infobase::$values "infobase info --cluster=$active_cluster --infobase=$values $host"]
set l [split $lst "&"]
foreach i $l {
set base_list [split $i ":"]
InsertItemsWorkList $base_list
proc Run::List:Base {tree host values par} {
global active_cluster
.frm_work.tree_work delete [ .frm_work.tree_work children {}]
set lst [RunCommand infobase::$values "$par list --cluster=$active_cluster --infobase=$values $host"]
set l [split $lst "&"]
foreach i $l {
set base_list [split $i ":"]
InsertItemsWorkList $base_list
proc Run::List {tree host values par} {
global active_cluster
.frm_work.tree_work delete [ .frm_work.tree_work children {}]
set lst [RunCommand infobase::$values "$par list --cluster=$active_cluster $host"]
set l [split $lst "&"]
foreach i $l {
set base_list [split $i ":"]
InsertItemsWorkList $base_list
proc Run::sessions {tree host values} {
Run::List:Base $tree $host $values session
proc Run::locks {tree host values} {
Run::List:Base $tree $host $values lock
proc Run::connections {tree host values} {
Run::List:Base $tree $host $values connection
proc Run::servers {tree host values} {
Run::List $tree $host $values server
proc Run::profiles {tree host values} {
Run::List $tree $host $values profile
proc Run::processes {tree host values} {
Run::List $tree $host $values process
proc Run::managers {tree host values} {
Run::List $tree $host $values manager
proc Run::admins {tree host values} {
global active_cluster
.frm_work.tree_work delete [ .frm_work.tree_work children {}]
set lst [RunCommand infobase::$values "agent admin list $host"]
set l [split $lst "&"]
foreach i $l {
set base_list [split $i ":"]
InsertItemsWorkList $base_list
proc InsertItemsWorkList {lst} {
.frm_work.tree_work insert {} end -values $lst
#.frm_work.tree_work insert val end -text [lindex $lst 1] -values [lindex $lst 1]
proc RunCommand {root par} {
global dir rac_cmd cluster
set pipe [open "|$rac_cmd $par" "r"]
while {[gets $pipe line]>=0} {
puts "$line"
set str [split $line ":"]
set param [string trim [lindex $str 0]]
set val [string trim [lindex $str 1]]
.frm_work.tree_work insert {} end -text "$param" -values "$val"
#.frm_work.tree_work insert {} end -text "$val" -values "$val"
if {$param eq "cluster"} {
set cluster $val
if {$param eq "name"} {
set cluster_name $val
.frm_tree.tree insert $root end -text "$val" -values "$cluster"
set lst ""
while {[gets $pipe line]>=0} {
#puts "$line"
append lst "$line&"
close $pipe
# fileevent $pipe readable [list DebugInfo .frm_work.tree_work $pipe]
# fconfigure $pipe -buffering none -blocking no
close $pipe
return $lst
# fileevent $pipe readable [list DebugInfo .frm_work.tree_work $pipe]
# fconfigure $pipe -buffering none -blocking no
proc InsertClusterItems {tree id} {
set parent "cluster::$id"
$tree insert $parent end -id "infobases::$id" -text "Информационные базы" -values "$id"
$tree insert $parent end -id "servers::$id" -text "Рабочие серверы" -values "$id"
$tree insert $parent end -id "admins::$id" -text "Администраторы" -values "$id"
$tree insert $parent end -id "managers::$id" -text "Менеджеры кластера" -values "managers-all"
$tree insert $parent end -id "processes::$id" -text "Рабочие процессы" -values "workprocess-all"
$tree insert $parent end -id "sessions::$id" -text "Сеансы" -values "sessions-all"
$tree insert $parent end -id "locks::$id" -text "Блокировки" -values "blocks-all"
$tree insert $parent end -id "connections::$id" -text "Соединения" -values "connections-all"
$tree insert $parent end -id "profiles::$id" -text "Профили безопасности" -values "secureprofiles-all"
proc InsertBaseItems {tree id} {
set parent "infobase::$id"
$tree insert $parent end -id "sessions::$id" -text "Сеансы" -values "$id"
$tree insert $parent end -id "locks::$id" -text "Блокировки" -values "$id"
$tree insert $parent end -id "connections::$id" -text "Соединения" -values "$id"
proc DebugInfo {widget f} {
if {[eof $f]} {
if {[eof $f]} {
catch [close $f] msg
if {$msg != ""} {
puts $msg
@ -50,11 +191,10 @@ proc DebugInfo {widget f} {
puts $msg
while {[gets $f line]>=0} {
puts "$line"
$widget insert {} end -text "$line" -values "$line"
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ bind $frm_tree.tree <ButtonRelease> "TreePress $frm_tree.tree"
set frm_work [frame .frm_work]
ttk::scrollbar $frm_work.hsb -orient horizontal -command [list $frm_work.tree_work xview]
ttk::scrollbar $frm_work.vsb -orient vertical -command [list $frm_work.tree_work yview]
set tree_work [ttk::treeview $frm_work.tree_work -columns "par val" -displaycolumns "par val" -xscrollcommand [list $frm_work.hsb set] -yscrollcommand [list $frm_work.vsb set]]
set tree_work [ttk::treeview $frm_work.tree_work -show headings -columns "par val" -displaycolumns "par val" -xscrollcommand [list $frm_work.hsb set] -yscrollcommand [list $frm_work.vsb set]]
#set tree_work [ttk::treeview $frm_work.tree_work \
#$tree_work heading Creator -text "Creator" -anchor center
@ -79,3 +79,4 @@ pack $frm_tree $frm_work -side left -expand true -fill both
# # Tell the text widget to take all the extra room
# grid rowconfigure .t .t.txt -weight 1
# grid columnconfigure .t .t.txt -weight 1
@ -8,3 +8,4 @@
set locale "ru"
set rac_cmd "/opt/1C/v8.3/x86_64/rac"
set dir(lib) [file join [pwd] lib]
@ -38,7 +38,9 @@ foreach modFile [lsort [glob -nocomplain [file join $dir(lib) *.tcl]]] {
source [file join $dir(lib) gui.tcl]
puts "$rac_cmd $dir(lib)"
.frm_tree.tree insert {} end -id "$host" -text "$host" -values "$host"
.frm_tree.tree insert {} end -id "server::$host" -text "$host" -values "$host:$port"
#.frm_tree.tree insert {} end -id "$host" -text "$host" -values "$host"
#RunCommand $host "cluster list $host $port"
RunCommand $host "cluster list $host $port"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user