mirror of https://bitbucket.org/svk28/rac-gui synced 2024-12-04 18:46:52 +00:00

Добавлена работа сновым конфиг файлом

This commit is contained in:
Sergey Kalinin 2019-08-28 17:27:36 +03:00
parent b3e890ed14
commit 6fc029c32e
2 changed files with 101 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -25,30 +25,115 @@ proc GetInfobasePassword {host cluster infobase} {
# Конвертация словаря в удобочитаемый формат
proc dict2file {dictionary} {
#regexp -nocase -indices -all -- {\{} $dictionary list
#set str [string map {"\{" "\{\r\n" "\}" "\r\n\}\r\n"} $dictionary]
set str $dictionary
# Pretty indenting...
set indent ""
if {[regexp {\}} $str]} {
set indent [string range $indent 0 end-4]
append result $indent$str\n
if {[regexp {\{} $str]} {
append indent " "
return $result
proc DictFormatter {dict {indent}} {
set str ""
set i 0
foreach {k v} $dict {
#if {$v eq ""} {set v "NULL"}
#puts "\nkey - $k value - [string trim $v]"
if [regexp {\{} $v] {
append indent "-"
DictFormatter $v $indent
} elseif [regexp {\}} $v] {
set indent [string trimright $indent "-"]
DictFormatter $v $indent
} else {
set str "$k $v"
puts "$indent$str"
proc dict2json {dictionary} {
dict for {key value} $dictionary {
puts "$key $value"
if {[string match {\{*\}} $value]} {
lappend Result "\"$key\":$value"
} elseif {![catch {dict size $value}]} {
lappend Result "\"$key\":\"[dict2json $value]\""
} else {
lappend Result "\"$key\":\"$value\""
puts $Result
return "\{[join $Result ",\n"]\}"
# Сохраянем конфиг
proc SaveConfig {} {
global dir servers_list
set file [open [file join $dir(work) 1c_srv_new.cfg] "w"]
set f [open [file join $dir(work) 1c_srv_new_.cfg] "w"]
set dict [dict get $servers_list servers]
#puts "\n\n[split $dict " "]\n\n"
set dict [string map {"\{" "\{\n" "\}" "\n\}"} $dict]
regsub -- {(\} )} $dict "\}\n" dict
puts $file [dict2file [dict get $servers_list servers]]
#puts $dict
#DictFormatter [dict get $servers_list servers] "-"
#DictFormatter $dict "-"
#regexp -all -indices -line -- {\}(.+?)\{} $dict m
#puts " \n $m"
puts $file $dict
close $file
set file [open [file join $dir(work) 1c_srv_new.cfg] "r"]
set str ""
seek $file 0
set close_brace 0
set open_brace 0
while {[gets $file line] >=0} {
if [regexp -- {\{} $line] {
if {$open_brace == 0} {
append indent ""
} else {
append indent " "
incr open_brace
if [regexp -- {\}} $line] {
#incr open_brace -1
set indent [string range $indent 0 end-2]
incr close_brace
if [regexp -nocase -all -- {(\})(.+?\{)} $line match brace phrase] {
# puts "> $v1 >>$v2"
#append indent " "
set line "$brace\n$indent$phrase"
#set line [string map {"\}" "\}\n"} $line]
#regsub -- {\} } $line "\}\n$indent" line
if {$open_brace > $close_brace} {
#set line "$indent$line"
if [regexp -nocase -indices -all -- {((.*?)\s(".*?"))} $line match v1 v2 v3] {
puts "> $v1 >>$v2 >>> $v3"
set index [lindex [split $v3 " "] 1]
puts $index
set last_pair [string trim [string range $line $index+1 end]]
set line [GetDictFromString $line $indent]
puts ">$last_pair<"
if {$last_pair ne ""} {
append line "$indent[string trim $last_pair]"
append str $indent [string trim $line] "\n"
puts $f $str
proc GetDictFromString {str indent} {
puts $str
if [regexp -nocase -indices -- {((.*?)\s(".*?"))} $str match v1 v2 v3] {
set index [lindex [split $v3 " "] 1]
set first_pair [string range $str 0 $index]
append res $indent $first_pair "\n"
append res [GetDictFromString [string range $str $index+1 end] $indent] "\n"
#append res [string range $str $index+1 end] "\n"
return $res

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@ -110,3 +110,4 @@ if [file exists [file join $dir(work) 1c_srv_new.cfg]] {
puts $servers_list