mirror of https://github.com/dbcli/pgcli synced 2024-05-31 01:17:54 +00:00
2015-01-26 08:30:55 -05:00

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from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import sqlparse
from sqlparse.sql import Comparison
from .parseutils import last_word, extract_tables, find_prev_keyword
PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2
PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3
if PY3:
string_types = str
string_types = basestring
def suggest_type(full_text, text_before_cursor):
"""Takes the full_text that is typed so far and also the text before the
cursor to suggest completion type and scope.
Returns a tuple with a type of entity ('table', 'column' etc) and a scope.
A scope for a column category will be a list of tables.
word_before_cursor = last_word(text_before_cursor,
# If we've partially typed a word then word_before_cursor won't be an empty
# string. In that case we want to remove the partially typed string before
# sending it to the sqlparser. Otherwise the last token will always be the
# partially typed string which renders the smart completion useless because
# it will always return the list of keywords as completion.
if word_before_cursor:
if word_before_cursor[-1] in ('(', '.'):
parsed = sqlparse.parse(text_before_cursor)
parsed = sqlparse.parse(
parsed = sqlparse.parse(text_before_cursor)
# Need to check if `p` is not empty, since an empty string will result in
# an empty tuple.
p = parsed[0] if parsed else None
last_token = p and p.token_prev(len(p.tokens)) or ''
return suggest_based_on_last_token(last_token, text_before_cursor, full_text)
def suggest_based_on_last_token(token, text_before_cursor, full_text):
if isinstance(token, string_types):
token_v = token
# If 'token' is a Comparison type such as
# 'select * FROM abc a JOIN def d ON a.id = d.'. Then calling
# token.value on the comparison type will only return the lhs of the
# comparison. In this case a.id. So we need to do token.tokens to get
# both sides of the comparison and pick the last token out of that
# list.
if isinstance(token, Comparison):
token_v = token.tokens[-1].value
token_v = token.value
if token_v.lower().endswith('('):
p = sqlparse.parse(text_before_cursor)[0]
if p.token_first().value.lower() == 'select':
# If the lparen is preceeded by a space chances are we're about to
# do a sub-select.
if last_word(text_before_cursor, 'all_punctuations').startswith('('):
return [{'type': 'keyword'}]
return [{'type': 'column', 'tables': extract_tables(full_text)}]
if token_v.lower() in ('set', 'by', 'distinct'):
return [{'type': 'column', 'tables': extract_tables(full_text)}]
elif token_v.lower() in ('select', 'where', 'having'):
return [{'type': 'column', 'tables': extract_tables(full_text)},
{'type': 'function'}]
elif token_v.lower() in ('from', 'update', 'into', 'describe', 'join', 'table'):
return [{'type': 'schema'}, {'type': 'table', 'schema': []}]
elif token_v.lower() == 'on':
tables = extract_tables(full_text) # [(schema, table, alias), ...]
# Use table alias if there is one, otherwise the table name
alias = [t[2] or t[1] for t in tables]
return [{'type': 'alias', 'aliases': alias}]
elif token_v in ('d',): # \d
# Apparently "\d <other>" is parsed by sqlparse as
# Identifer('d', Whitespace, '<other>')
if len(token.tokens) > 2:
other = token.tokens[-1].value
identifiers = other.split('.')
if len(identifiers) == 1:
# "\d table" or "\d schema"
return [{'type': 'schema'}, {'type': 'table', 'schema': []}]
elif len(identifiers) == 2:
# \d schema.table
return [{'type': 'table', 'schema': identifiers[0]}]
return [{'type': 'schema'}, {'type': 'table', 'schema': []}]
elif token_v.lower() in ('c', 'use'): # \c
return [{'type': 'database'}]
elif token_v.endswith(',') or token_v == '=':
prev_keyword = find_prev_keyword(text_before_cursor)
if prev_keyword:
return suggest_based_on_last_token(
prev_keyword, text_before_cursor, full_text)
elif token_v.endswith('.'):
suggestions = []
identifier = last_word(token_v[:-1], 'all_punctuations')
# TABLE.<suggestion> or SCHEMA.TABLE.<suggestion>
tables = extract_tables(full_text)
tables = [t for t in tables if identifies(identifier, *t)]
suggestions.append({'type': 'column', 'tables': tables})
# SCHEMA.<suggestion>
suggestions.append({'type': 'table', 'schema': identifier})
return suggestions
return [{'type': 'keyword'}]
def identifies(id, schema, table, alias):
return id == alias or id == table or (
schema and (id == schema + '.' + table))