Fork 0

refactor most of main into a standalone PGCli class

This commit is contained in:
darikg 2015-01-08 19:27:28 -05:00 committed by Amjith Ramanujam
parent 447c54ea74
commit 56f0da2ea1
1 changed files with 178 additions and 152 deletions

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@ -33,10 +33,178 @@ except ImportError:
from getpass import getuser
from psycopg2 import OperationalError
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class PGCli(object):
def __init__(self, force_passwd_prompt=False, never_passwd_prompt=False,
self.force_passwd_prompt = force_passwd_prompt
self.never_passwd_prompt = never_passwd_prompt
self.pgexecute = pgexecute
from pgcli import __file__ as package_root
package_root = os.path.dirname(package_root)
default_config = os.path.join(package_root, 'pgclirc')
write_default_config(default_config, '~/.pgclirc')
# Load config.
c = self.config = load_config('~/.pgclirc', default_config)
self.smart_completion = c.getboolean('main', 'smart_completion')
self.multi_line = c.getboolean('main', 'multi_line')
self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def initialize_logging(self):
log_file = self.config.get('main', 'log_file')
log_level = self.config.get('main', 'log_level')
level_map = {'CRITICAL': logging.CRITICAL,
'ERROR': logging.ERROR,
'INFO': logging.INFO,
'DEBUG': logging.DEBUG
handler = logging.FileHandler(os.path.expanduser(log_file))
formatter = logging.Formatter(
'%(asctime)s (%(process)d/%(threadName)s) '
'%(name)s %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
self.logger.debug('Initializing pgcli logging.')
self.logger.debug('Log file "%s".' % log_file)
def connect_uri(self, uri):
uri = urlparse(uri)
database = uri.path[1:] # ignore the leading fwd slash
self.connect(database, uri.hostname, uri.username,
uri.port, uri.password)
def connect(self, database='', host='', user='', port='', passwd=''):
# Connect to the database.
if not database:
# default to current OS username just like psql
database = user = getuser()
# Prompt for a password immediately if requested via the -W flag. This
# avoids wasting time trying to connect to the database and catching a
# no-password exception.
# If we successfully parsed a password from a URI, there's no need to
# prompt for it, even with the -W flag
if self.force_passwd_prompt and not passwd:
passwd = click.prompt('Password', hide_input=True,
show_default=False, type=str)
# Prompt for a password after 1st attempt to connect without a password
# fails. Don't prompt if the -w flag is supplied
auto_passwd_prompt = not passwd and not self.never_passwd_prompt
# Attempt to connect to the database.
# Note that passwd may be empty on the first attempt. If connection
# fails because of a missing password, but we're allowed to prompt for
# a password (no -w flag), prompt for a passwd and try again.
pgexecute = PGExecute(database, user, passwd, host, port)
except OperationalError as e:
if 'no password supplied' in e.message and auto_passwd_prompt:
passwd = click.prompt('Password', hide_input=True,
show_default=False, type=str)
pgexecute = PGExecute(database, user, passwd, host, port)
raise e
except Exception as e: # Connecting to a database could fail.
self.logger.debug('Database connection failed: %r.', e)
click.secho(str(e), err=True, fg='red')
self.pgexecute = pgexecute
def run_cli(self):
pgexecute = self.pgexecute
prompt = '%s> ' % pgexecute.dbname
logger = self.logger
original_less_opts = self.adjust_less_opts()
layout = Layout(before_input=DefaultPrompt(prompt),
lexer=SqlLexer, bottom_toolbars=[PGToolbar()])
completer = PGCompleter(self.smart_completion)
refresh_completions(pgexecute, completer)
buf = PGBuffer(always_multiline=self.multi_line, completer=completer,
cli = CommandLineInterface(style=PGStyle, layout=layout, buffer=buf,
while True:
cli.layout.before_input = DefaultPrompt(prompt)
document = cli.read_input(on_exit=AbortAction.RAISE_EXCEPTION)
# The reason we check here instead of inside the pgexecute is
# because we want to raise the Exit exception which will be
# caught by the try/except block that wraps the pgexecute.run()
# statement.
if quit_command(document.text):
raise Exit
logger.debug('sql: %r', document.text)
res = pgexecute.run(document.text)
output = []
for rows, headers, status in res:
logger.debug("headers: %r", headers)
logger.debug("rows: %r", rows)
logger.debug("status: %r", status)
output.extend(format_output(rows, headers, status))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# Restart connection to the database
logger.debug("cancelled query, sql: %r", document.text)
click.secho("cancelled query", err=True, fg='red')
except Exception as e:
logger.error("sql: %r, error: %r", document.text, e)
logger.error("traceback: %r", traceback.format_exc())
click.secho(str(e), err=True, fg='red')
# Refresh the table names and column names if necessary.
if need_completion_refresh(document.text):
prompt = '%s> ' % pgexecute.dbname
refresh_completions(pgexecute, completer)
except Exit:
print ('GoodBye!')
finally: # Reset the less opts back to original.
logger.debug('Restoring env var LESS to %r.', original_less_opts)
os.environ['LESS'] = original_less_opts
def adjust_less_opts(self):
less_opts = os.environ.get('LESS', '')
self.logger.debug('Original value for LESS env var: %r', less_opts)
if not less_opts:
os.environ['LESS'] = '-RXF'
if 'X' not in less_opts:
os.environ['LESS'] += 'X'
if 'F' not in less_opts:
os.environ['LESS'] += 'F'
return less_opts
# Default host is '' so psycopg2 can default to either localhost or unix socket
@click.option('-h', '--host', default='', envvar='PGHOST',
help='Host address of the postgres database.')
@ -51,129 +219,20 @@ _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@click.argument('database', default='', envvar='PGDATABASE')
def cli(database, user, host, port, prompt_passwd, never_prompt):
passwd = ''
if not database:
#default to current OS username just like psql
database = user = getuser()
elif '://' in database:
#a URI connection string
parsed = urlparse(database)
database = parsed.path[1:] # ignore the leading fwd slash
user = parsed.username
passwd = parsed.password
port = parsed.port
host = parsed.hostname
pgcli = PGCli(prompt_passwd, never_prompt)
# Prompt for a password immediately if requested via the -W flag. This
# avoids wasting time trying to connect to the database and catching a
# no-password exception.
# If we successfully parsed a password from a URI, there's no need to prompt
# for it, even with the -W flag
if prompt_passwd and not passwd:
passwd = click.prompt('Password', hide_input=True, show_default=False,
if '://' in database:
pgcli.connect(database, host, user, port)
# Prompt for a password after 1st attempt to connect without a password
# fails. Don't prompt if the -w flag is supplied
auto_passwd_prompt = not passwd and not never_prompt
from pgcli import __file__ as package_root
package_root = os.path.dirname(package_root)
default_config = os.path.join(package_root, 'pgclirc')
write_default_config(default_config, '~/.pgclirc')
# Load config.
config = load_config('~/.pgclirc', default_config)
smart_completion = config.getboolean('main', 'smart_completion')
multi_line = config.getboolean('main', 'multi_line')
log_file = config.get('main', 'log_file')
log_level = config.get('main', 'log_level')
initialize_logging(log_file, log_level)
original_less_opts = adjust_less_opts()
_logger.debug('Launch Params: \n'
pgcli.logger.debug('Launch Params: \n'
'\tdatabase: %r'
'\tuser: %r'
'\tpassword: %r'
'\thost: %r'
'\tport: %r', database, user, passwd, host, port)
'\tport: %r', database, user, host, port)
# Attempt to connect to the database.
# Note that passwd may be empty on the first attempt. If connection fails
# because of a missing password, but we're allowed to prompt for a password,
# (no -w flag), prompt for a passwd and try again.
pgexecute = PGExecute(database, user, passwd, host, port)
except OperationalError as e:
if 'no password supplied' in e.message and auto_passwd_prompt:
passwd = click.prompt('Password', hide_input=True,
show_default=False, type=str)
pgexecute = PGExecute(database, user, passwd, host, port)
raise e
except Exception as e: # Connecting to a database could fail.
_logger.debug('Database connection failed: %r.', e)
click.secho(str(e), err=True, fg='red')
layout = Layout(before_input=DefaultPrompt('%s> ' % pgexecute.dbname),
completer = PGCompleter(smart_completion)
refresh_completions(pgexecute, completer)
buf = PGBuffer(always_multiline=multi_line, completer=completer,
cli = CommandLineInterface(style=PGStyle, layout=layout, buffer=buf,
while True:
cli.layout.before_input = DefaultPrompt('%s> ' % pgexecute.dbname)
document = cli.read_input(on_exit=AbortAction.RAISE_EXCEPTION)
# The reason we check here instead of inside the pgexecute is
# because we want to raise the Exit exception which will be caught
# by the try/except block that wraps the pgexecute.run() statement.
if quit_command(document.text):
raise Exit
_logger.debug('sql: %r', document.text)
res = pgexecute.run(document.text)
output = []
for rows, headers, status in res:
_logger.debug("headers: %r", headers)
_logger.debug("rows: %r", rows)
_logger.debug("status: %r", status)
output.extend(format_output(rows, headers, status))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# Restart connection to the database
_logger.debug("cancelled query, sql: %r", document.text)
click.secho("cancelled query", err=True, fg='red')
except Exception as e:
_logger.error("sql: %r, error: %r", document.text, e)
_logger.error("traceback: %r", traceback.format_exc())
click.secho(str(e), err=True, fg='red')
# Refresh the table names and column names if necessary.
if need_completion_refresh(document.text):
refresh_completions(pgexecute, completer)
except Exit:
print ('GoodBye!')
finally: # Reset the less opts back to original.
_logger.debug('Restoring env var LESS to %r.', original_less_opts)
os.environ['LESS'] = original_less_opts
def format_output(rows, headers, status):
output = []
@ -193,39 +252,6 @@ def need_completion_refresh(sql):
except Exception:
return False
def initialize_logging(log_file, log_level):
level_map = {'CRITICAL': logging.CRITICAL,
'ERROR': logging.ERROR,
'INFO': logging.INFO,
'DEBUG': logging.DEBUG
handler = logging.FileHandler(os.path.expanduser(log_file))
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s (%(process)d/%(threadName)s) '
'%(name)s %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
_logger.debug('Initializing pgcli logging.')
_logger.debug('Log file "%s".' % log_file)
def adjust_less_opts():
less_opts = os.environ.get('LESS', '')
_logger.debug('Original value for LESS env var: %r', less_opts)
if not less_opts:
os.environ['LESS'] = '-RXF'
if 'X' not in less_opts:
os.environ['LESS'] += 'X'
if 'F' not in less_opts:
os.environ['LESS'] += 'F'
return less_opts
def quit_command(sql):
return (sql.strip().lower() == 'exit'
or sql.strip().lower() == 'quit'