/** * types * 0 close combat * 1 ranged * 2 siege * 3 leader * 4 special (decoy) * 5 weather */ module.exports = { "redanian_foot_soldier": { name: "Redanian Foot Soldier", power: 1, ability: null, img: "foot_soldier1", faction: "Northern Realm", type: 0 }, "poor_fucking_infantry": { name: "Poor Fucking Infantry", power: 1, ability: "tight_bond", img: "infantry", faction: "Northern Realm", type: 0 }, "yarpen_zigrin": { name: "Yarpen Zigrin", power: 2, ability: null, img: "yarpen", faction: "Northern Realm", type: 0 }, "blue_stripes_commando": { name: "Blue Stripes Commando", power: 4, ability: "tight_bond", img: "commando", faction: "Northern Realm", type: 0 }, "sigismunt_dijkstra": { name: "Sigismunt Dijkstra", power: 4, ability: "spy", img: "dijkstra", faction: "Northern Realm", type: 0 }, "prince_stennis": { name: "Prince Stennis", power: 5, ability: "spy", img: "stennis", faction: "Northern Realm", type: 0 }, "siegfried_of_denesle": { name: "Siegfried of Denesle", power: 5, ability: null, img: "siegfried", faction: "Northern Realm", type: 0 }, "ves": { name: "Ves", power: 5, ability: null, img: "ves", faction: "Northern Realm", type: 0 }, "vernon_roche": { name: "Vernon Roche", power: 10, ability: "hero", img: "roche", faction: "Northern Realm", type: 0 }, "john_natalis": { name: "John Natalis", power: 10, ability: "hero", img: "natalis", faction: "Northern Realm", type: 0 }, "sheldon_skaggs": { name: "Sheldon Skaggs", power: 4, ability: null, img: "skaggs", faction: "Northern Realm", type: 1 }, "sabrina_glevissig": { name: "Sabrina Glevissig", power: 4, ability: null, img: "sabrina", faction: "Northern Realm", type: 1 }, "crinfrid_reavers_dragon_hunter": { name: "Crinfrid Reaver's Dragon Hunter", power: 5, ability: "tight_bond", img: "crinfrid", faction: "Northern Realm", type: 1 }, "sile_de_tansarville": { name: "Síle de Tansarville", power: 5, ability: null, img: "sile", faction: "Northern Realm", type: 1 }, "keira_metz": { name: "Keira Metz", power: 5, ability: null, img: "keira", faction: "Northern Realm", type: 1 }, "dethmold": { name: "Dethmold", power: 6, ability: null, img: "dethmold", faction: "Northern Realm", type: 1 }, "kaedweni_siege_expert": { name: "Kaedweni Siege Expert", power: 1, ability: "morale_boost", img: "siege_expert1", faction: "Northern Realm", type: 2 }, "dun_banner_medic": { name: "Dun Banner Medic", power: 5, ability: "medic", img: "medic", faction: "Northern Realm", type: 2 }, "ballista": { name: "Ballista", power: 6, ability: null, img: "ballista1", faction: "Northern Realm", type: 2 }, "trebuchet": { name: "Trebuchet", power: 6, ability: null, img: "trebuchet1", faction: "Northern Realm", type: 2 }, "thaler": { name: "Thaler", power: 1, ability: "spy", img: "thaler", faction: "Northern Realm", type: 2 }, "foltest_king_of_temeria": { name: "Foltest: King of Temeria", power: -1, ability: "foltest_leader1", img: "foltest_king", faction: "Northern Realm", type: 3 }, "decoy": { name: "Decoy", power: -1, ability: "decoy", img: "decoy", faction: null, type: 4 }, "impenetrable_fog": { name: "Impenetrable Fog", power: -1, ability: "weather_fog", img: "fog", faction: null, type: 5 }, "francesca_pureblood_elf": { name: "Francesca, Pureblood Elf", power: -1, ability: "francesca_leader1", img: "francesca_pureblood", faction: "Scoia'tael", type: 3 }, "francesca_the_beautiful": { name: "Francesca The Beautiful", power: -1, ability: "francesca_leader2", img: "francesca_beatiful", faction: "Scoia'tael", type: 3 }, "francesca_daisy_of_the_valley": { name: "Francesca, Daisy of The Valley", power: -1, ability: "francesca_leader3", img: "francesca_daisy", faction: "Scoia'tael", type: 3 }, "francesca_queen_of_dol_blathanna": { name: "Francesca, Queen of Dol Blathanna", power: -1, ability: "francesca_leader4", img: "francesca_queen", faction: "Scoia'tael", type: 3 }, "saesenthessis": { name: "Saesenthessis", power: 10, ability: "hero", img: "saesenthessis", faction: "Scoia'tael", type: 1 }, "iorveth": { name: "Iorveth", power: 10, ability: "hero", img: "iorveth", faction: "Scoia'tael", type: 1 }, "isengrim_faoiltiarnah": { name: "Isengrim Faoiltiarnah", power: 10, ability: ["hero", "morale_boost"], img: "isengrim", faction: "Scoia'tael", type: 0 }, "eithne": { name: "Eithne", power: 10, ability: "hero", img: "eithne", faction: "Scoia'tael", type: 1 }, "havekar_healer": { name: "Havekar Healer", power: 0, ability: "morale_boost", img: "healerr", faction: "Scoia'tael", type: 1 }, "riordain": { name: "Riordain", power: 1, ability: null, img: "riordain", faction: "Scoia'tael", type: 1 }, "toruviel": { name: "Toruviel", power: 2, ability: null, img: "toruviel", faction: "Scoia'tael", type: 1 }, "elven_skirmisher": { name: "Elven Skirmisher", power: 2, ability: "muster", img: "elven_skirmisher2", faction: "Scoia'tael", type: 1 }, "dwarven_skirmisher": { name: "Dwarven Skirmisher", power: 3, ability: "muster", img: "skirmisher2", faction: "Scoia'tael", type: 0 }, "ciaran_aep_easnillien": { name: "Ciaran aep Easnillien", power: 3, ability: "agile", img: "easnillien", faction: "Scoia'tael", type: 1 }, "vrihedd_brigade_recruit": { name: "Vrihedd Brigade Recruit", power: 4, ability: null, img: "recruit", faction: "Scoia'tael", type: 1 }, "dol_blathanna_archer": { name: "Dol Blathanna Archer", power: 4, ability: null, img: "archer", faction: "Scoia'tael", type: 1 },/* "hav_caaren_medic": { name: "Hav’caaren Medic", power: 5, ability: null, img: "", //missing image faction: "Scoia'tael", type: 0 },*/ "havekar_smuggler": { name: "Havekar Smuggler", power: 5, ability: "spy", img: "smuggler1", faction: "Scoia'tael", type: 0 }, "mahakaman_defender": { name: "Mahakaman Defender", power: 5, ability: "muster", img: "defender2", faction: "Scoia'tael", type: 0 }, "vrihedd_brigade_veteran": { name: "Vrihedd Brigade Veteran", power: 5, ability: "agile", img: "veteran1", faction: "Scoia'tael", type: 0 }, "dennis_cranmer": { name: "Dennis Cranmer", power: 6, ability: null, img: "cranmer", faction: "Scoia'tael", type: 0 }, "filavandrel_aen_fidhail": { name: "Filavandrel aén Fidháil", power: 6, ability: "agile", img: "fidhail", faction: "Scoia'tael", type: 1 }, "ida_emean_aep_sivney": { name: "Ida Emean aep Sivney", power: 6, ability: null, img: "sivney", faction: "Scoia'tael", type: 1 }, "yaevinn": { name: "Yaevinn", power: 6, ability: "agile", img: "yaevinn", faction: "Scoia'tael", type: 0 }, "barclay_els": { name: "Barclay Els", power: 6, ability: "agile", img: "barclay", faction: "Scoia'tael", type: 0 }, "dol_blathanna_scout": { name: "Dol Blathanna Scout", power: 6, ability: "agile", img: "scout2", faction: "Scoia'tael", type: 0 }, "milva": { name: "Milva", power: 10, ability: "morale_boost", img: "milva", faction: "Scoia'tael", type: 1 } }