var Battleside = require("./Battleside"); var Card = require("./Card"); var Deck = require("./Deck"); var shortid = require("shortid"); var Promise = require("jquery-deferred"); var CardManager = require("./CardManager") var Battle = (function(){ var Battle = function(id, p1, p2, socket){ if(!(this instanceof Battle)){ return (new Battle(id, p1, p2, socket)); } /** * constructor here */ = CardManager(); = {}; this._id = id; this._user1 = p1; this._user2 = p2; this.socket = socket; }; var r = Battle.prototype; /** * methods && properties here * = null; * r.getProperty = function() {...} */ r.p1 = null; r.p2 = null; r._user1 = null; r._user2 = null; r.turn = 0; = null; r.socket = null; r._id = null; = null; r.init = function(){ this.on("Update", this.update); this.p1 = Battleside(this._user1, 0, this); this.p2 = Battleside(this._user2, 1, this); this.p1.foe = this.p2; this.p2.foe = this.p1; this.p1.setUpWeatherFieldWith(this.p2); this.start(); } r.start = function(){ this.p1.setLeadercard(); this.p2.setLeadercard(); this.p1.draw(10); this.p2.draw(10); this.update(); Promise.when(this.p1.reDraw(2), this.p2.reDraw(2)) .then(function(){ this.on("NextTurn", this.switchTurn); this.switchTurn(Math.random() > .5 ? this.p1 : this.p2); }.bind(this)); } r.switchTurn = function(side, __flag){ __flag = typeof __flag == "undefined" ? 0 : 1; if(!(side instanceof Battleside)){ console.trace("side is not a battleside!"); return } if(side.isPassing()){ if(__flag){ return this.startNextRound(); } return this.switchTurn(side.foe, 1); } this.runEvent("EachTurn"); this.runEvent("Turn" + side.getID()); console.log("current Turn: ", side.getName()); } r.startNextRound = function(){ var lastRound = this.checkRubies(); var loser = lastRound.loser; var winner = loser.foe; if(this.checkIfIsOver()){ console.log("its over!"); this.gameOver(winner); this.update(); return; } this.p1.resetNewRound(); this.p2.resetNewRound(); console.log("start new round!"); this.sendNotification("Start new round!"); if(winner.deck.getFaction() === Deck.FACTION.NORTHERN_REALM && !lastRound.isTie){ winner.draw(1); console.log(winner.getName() + " draws 1 extra card! (Northern ability)"); this.sendNotification(winner.getName() + " draws 1 extra card! (Northern ability)"); } this.update(); if(winner.deck.getFaction() === Deck.FACTION.SCOIATAEL){ this.waitForScoiatael(winner); } else if(this.p1.deck.getFaction() === Deck.FACTION.SCOIATAEL){ this.waitForScoiatael(this.p1); } else if(this.p2.deck.getFaction() === Deck.FACTION.SCOIATAEL){ this.waitForScoiatael(this.p2); } else { this.switchTurn(loser); } } r.waitForScoiatael = function(side){ var self = this; self.sendNotification(side.getName() + " decides whos starts first"); side.send("request:chooseWhichSideBegins", null, true); side.socket.once("response:chooseWhichSideBegins", function(data){ console.log("which side? ", data.side); if(data.side !== "p1" && data.side !== "p2") throw new Error("Unknown side property! - ", data.side); self.switchTurn(self[data.side]); }) } r.gameOver = function(winner){ this.send("gameover", { winner: winner.getName() }) } r.update = function(){ console.log("update called"); this._update(this.p1); this._update(this.p2); } r.updateSelf = function(side){ this._update(side, true); } r._update = function(p, isPrivate){ isPrivate = isPrivate || false; p.send("update:info", { info: p.getInfo(), leader: p.field[Card.TYPE.LEADER].get()[0] }, isPrivate) p.send("update:hand", { cards: JSON.stringify(p.hand.getCards()) }, isPrivate); p.send("update:fields", { close: p.field[Card.TYPE.CLOSE_COMBAT].getInfo(), ranged: p.field[Card.TYPE.RANGED].getInfo(), siege: p.field[Card.TYPE.SIEGE].getInfo(), weather: p.field[Card.TYPE.WEATHER].getInfo() }, isPrivate); } r.send = function(event, data){ /*{ event: event, data: data });*/, data); } r.runEvent = function(eventid, ctx, args, uid){ ctx = ctx || this; uid = uid || null; args = args || []; var event = "on" + eventid; if(![event]){ return; } if(uid){ var obj =[event][uid]; obj.cb = obj.cb.bind(ctx) obj.cb.apply(ctx, obj.onArgs.concat(args)); } else { for(var _uid in[event]) { var obj =[event][_uid]; obj.cb = obj.cb.bind(ctx) obj.cb.apply(ctx, obj.onArgs.concat(args)); } } //this.update(); } r.on = function(eventid, cb, ctx, args){ ctx = ctx || null; args = args || []; var event = "on" + eventid; var uid_event = shortid.generate(); var obj = {}; if(!ctx){ obj.cb = cb; } else { obj.cb = cb.bind(ctx); } obj.onArgs = args; if(!(event in{ /*[event] = [];*/[event] = {}; } if(typeof cb !== "function"){ throw new Error("cb not a function"); }[event][uid_event] = obj; return uid_event; } = function(eventid, uid){ uid = uid || null; var event = "on" + eventid; if(![event]) return; if(uid){[event][uid] = null; delete[event][uid]; return; } for(var _uid in[event]) {[event][_uid] = null; delete[event][_uid]; } } r.checkIfIsOver = function(){ return !(this.p1.getRubies() && this.p2.getRubies()); } r.checkRubies = function(){ var scoreP1 = this.p1.getScore(); var scoreP2 = this.p2.getScore(); if(scoreP1 > scoreP2){ this.p2.removeRuby(); return { loser: this.p2, isTie: false } } if(scoreP2 > scoreP1){ this.p1.removeRuby(); return { loser: this.p1, isTie: false } } //tie //check if is nilfgaardian faction ability if(this.p1.deck.getFaction() === Deck.FACTION.NILFGAARDIAN_EMPIRE && this.p1.deck.getFaction() !== this.p2.deck.getFaction()){ this.p2.removeRuby(); console.log(this.p1.getName() + " wins the tie! (nilfgaardian ability)"); self.sendNotification(this.p1.getName() + " wins the tie! (nilfgaardian ability)"); return { loser: this.p2, isTie: false } } if(this.p2.deck.getFaction() === Deck.FACTION.NILFGAARDIAN_EMPIRE && this.p1.deck.getFaction() !== this.p2.deck.getFaction()){ this.p1.removeRuby(); console.log(this.p2.getName() + " wins the tie! (nilfgaardian ability)"); self.sendNotification(this.p2.getName() + " wins the tie! (nilfgaardian ability)"); return { loser: this.p1, isTie: false } } this.p1.removeRuby(); this.p2.removeRuby(); return { loser: Math.random() > 0.5 ? this.p1 : this.p2, isTie: true } } r.userLeft = function(sideName){ var side = this[sideName]; side.foe.send("foe:left", null, true); } r.shutDown = function(){ = null; } r.sendNotification = function(msg){ this.send("notification", { message: msg }) } return Battle; })(); module.exports = Battle;