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2018-05-16 14:17:27 +03:00
# Tcl ignores the next line -*- tcl -*- \
exec wish "$0" -- "$@"
# Rac GUI
# Distributed under GNU Public License
# Author: Sergey Kalinin svk@nuk-svk.ru
# Home page: https://bitbucket.org/svk28/rac-gui
#source [file join [pwd] 1c_srv.cfg]
2018-05-16 14:17:27 +03:00
set dir(root) [pwd]
set dir(work) [file join $env(HOME) .rac_gui]
if {[file exists $dir(work)] == 0 } {
file mkdir $dir(work)
if {[file exists [file join $dir(work) rac_gui.cfg]] ==0} {
file copy [file join [pwd] rac_gui.cfg] [file join $dir(work) rac_gui.cfg]
source [file join $dir(work) rac_gui.cfg]
2018-05-16 14:17:27 +03:00
set dir(msg) "[file join $dir(root) msgs]"
set dir(lib) "[file join $dir(root) lib]"
if [info exists env(LANG)] {
set locale $env(LANG)
} else {
set locale $locale
::msgcat::mclocale $locale
::msgcat::mcload $dir(msg)
# Load modules but maain.tcl must last loaded
foreach modFile [lsort [glob -nocomplain [file join $dir(lib) *.tcl]]] {
if {[file tail $modFile] ne "gui.tcl"} {
source $modFile
puts "Loaded module $modFile"
source [file join $dir(lib) gui.tcl]
puts "$rac_cmd $dir(lib)"
source [file join $dir(work) rac_gui.cfg]
if [file exists [file join $dir(work) 1c_srv.cfg]] {
set f [open [file join $dir(work) 1c_srv.cfg] "RDONLY"]
while {[gets $f line] >=0} {
.frm_tree.tree insert {} end -id "server::$line" -text "$line" -values "$line"
2018-05-24 11:37:34 +03:00
# set editor(fg) grey
# set editor(bg) black
# option add *Entry.Foreground $editor(fg) interactive
# option add *Entry.Background $editor(bg) interactive
# option add *Label.Foreground $editor(fg) interactive
# option add *Label.Background $editor(bg) interactive
# option add *Checkbox.Foreground $editor(fg) interactive
# option add *Checkbox.Background $editor(bg) interactive
# option add *Checkbutton.Foreground $editor(fg) interactive
# option add *Checkbutton.Background $editor(bg) interactive
# option add *Combobox.Foreground $editor(fg) interactive
# option add *Combobox.Background $editor(bg) interactive
# option add *Listbox.Foreground $editor(fg) interactive
# option add *Listbox.Background $editor(bg) interactive
# option add *TreeView.Background $editor(bg) interactive
#option add *Treeview.Foreground red interactive
2018-05-24 11:37:34 +03:00
# #option add *Frame.Background $editor(bg) interactive
# option add *ScrollableFrame.Background $editor(bg) interactive
# option add *ScrolledWindow.Background $editor(bg) interactive