import logging.config from typing import Optional, Dict, Any, List import fire import yaml from . import GoogleCalendar, GoogleCalendarService def load_config(filename: str) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: result: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None try: with open(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: result = yaml.safe_load(f) except FileNotFoundError: pass return result class PropertyCommands: """get/set google calendar properties""" def __init__(self, _service: Any) -> None: self._service = _service def get(self, calendar_id: str, property_name: str) -> None: """get calendar property Args: calendar_id: calendar id property_name: property key """ response = ( self._service.calendarList() .get(calendarId=calendar_id, fields=property_name) .execute() ) print(response.get(property_name)) def set(self, calendar_id: str, property_name: str, property_value: str) -> None: """set calendar property Args: calendar_id: calendar id property_name: property key property_value: property value """ body = {property_name: property_value} response = ( self._service.calendarList() .patch(body=body, calendarId=calendar_id) .execute() ) print(response) class Commands: """manage google calendars in service account""" def __init__(self, config: str = "config.yml"): """ Args: config(str): config filename """ self._config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = load_config(config) if self._config is not None and "logging" in self._config: logging.config.dictConfig(self._config["logging"]) self._service = GoogleCalendarService.from_config(self._config) = PropertyCommands(self._service) def list(self, show_hidden: bool = False, show_deleted: bool = False) -> None: """list calendars Args: show_hidden: show hidden calendars show_deleted: show deleted calendars """ fields: str = "nextPageToken,items(id,summary)" calendars: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] page_token: Optional[str] = None while True: calendars_api = self._service.calendarList() response = calendars_api.list( fields=fields, pageToken=page_token, showHidden=show_hidden, showDeleted=show_deleted, ).execute() if "items" in response: calendars.extend(response["items"]) page_token = response.get("nextPageToken") if page_token is None: break for calendar in calendars: print("{summary}: {id}".format_map(calendar)) def create( self, summary: str, timezone: Optional[str] = None, public: bool = False ) -> None: """create calendar Args: summary: new calendar summary timezone: new calendar timezone public: make calendar public """ calendar = GoogleCalendar(self._service, None) calendar.create(summary, timezone) if public: calendar.make_public() print("{}: {}".format(summary, calendar.calendar_id)) def add_owner(self, calendar_id: str, email: str) -> None: """add owner to calendar Args: calendar_id: calendar id email: new owner email """ calendar = GoogleCalendar(self._service, calendar_id) calendar.add_owner(email) print("to {} added owner: {}".format(calendar_id, email)) def remove(self, calendar_id: str) -> None: """remove calendar Args: calendar_id: calendar id """ calendar = GoogleCalendar(self._service, calendar_id) calendar.delete() print("removed: {}".format(calendar_id)) def rename(self, calendar_id: str, summary: str) -> None: """rename calendar Args: calendar_id: calendar id summary: """ calendar = {"summary": summary} self._service.calendars().patch(body=calendar, calendarId=calendar_id).execute() print("{}: {}".format(summary, calendar_id)) def main() -> None: fire.Fire(Commands, name="manage-ics2gcal") if __name__ == "__main__": main()