import logging import os from typing import List, Optional, Dict import traceback import yaml from flask import Flask, g, render_template from flask_restful import Resource, Api, reqparse, abort from flask_cors import CORS from pathvalidate import is_valid_filepath from brackets import get_infobases as br_get_infobases from webpub1c.webpub1c import VRDConfig, ApacheConfig, urlpath_join, WebPublication apache_restart_flagfile = 'restart_apache' def infobase_data_blank(name: str): return { 'name': name, 'publicated': False, 'url': '', 'directory': '', 'vrd_filename': '', 'infobase_filepath': '', 'is_file_infobase': False, } def publication_data(publication: WebPublication): return { 'name':, 'publicated': True, 'url': publication.url_path, 'directory':, 'vrd_filename': publication.vrd_filename, 'infobase_filepath': publication.infobase_filepath, 'is_file_infobase': publication.is_file_infobase(), } class WebPub1C: def __init__(self, config, verbose: bool = False): level = logging.INFO if verbose else logging.WARNING logging.basicConfig(level=level) self._log = logging.getLogger("webpub1c") self._log.setLevel(level) self._config = config vrd_params: Optional[VRDConfig] = self._config.get('vrd_params', None) apache_config: str = self._config.get('apache_config', '') self._vrd_path: str = self._config.get('vrd_path', '') self._dir_path: str = self._config.get('dir_path', '') self._url_base: str = self._config.get('url_base', '') self._apache_cfg = ApacheConfig(apache_config, self._vrd_path, self._dir_path, self._url_base, vrd_params) def _is_vrd_path_valid(self) -> bool: return os.path.isdir(self._vrd_path) def _is_dir_path_valid(self) -> bool: return os.path.isdir(self._dir_path) def _is_url_base_valid(self) -> bool: return is_valid_filepath(self._url_base, platform='posix') and self._url_base.startswith('/') def _is_module_valid(self) -> bool: if 'platform_path' not in self._config: return False if 'ws_module' not in self._config: return False return os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self._config['platform_path'], self._config['ws_module'])) def check(self): return { 'is_apache_cfg_valid': self._apache_cfg.is_valid(), 'is_vrd_path_valid': self._is_vrd_path_valid(), 'is_dir_path_valid': self._is_dir_path_valid(), 'is_url_base_valid': self._is_url_base_valid(), 'is_module_valid': self._is_module_valid() } def has_module(self): return self._apache_cfg.has_1cws_module() def add_module(self): """ Add 1cws module to apache config """ if self._apache_cfg.has_1cws_module():'config unchanged') else: module: str = os.path.join(self._config['platform_path'], self._config['ws_module']) self._apache_cfg.add_1cws_module(module)'module added') def list(self) -> List[str]: """ List publication names """ return list(self._apache_cfg.publications) def publications(self) -> List[Dict[str, str]]: """ List of publications """ pubs = map(lambda p: publication_data(p), self._apache_cfg.iter()) return list(pubs) def get(self, ibname: str): """ Get publication info """ publication = self._apache_cfg.get_publication(ibname) if publication is None: return publication return publication_data(publication) def add(self, ibname: str, url: Optional[str] = None, file: str = '') -> str: """ Add new publication """ publication = self._apache_cfg.create_publication(ibname, url, file) self._apache_cfg.add_publication(publication)'publication added: {ibname}') return publication.url_path def set_url(self, ibname: str, url: str) -> None: """ Set publication url """ publication = self._apache_cfg.get_publication(ibname) if publication is None: raise KeyError(f'infobase "{ibname}" not publicated') publication.url_path = urlpath_join(self._url_base, url) self._apache_cfg.remove_publication(, destroy=False) self._apache_cfg.add_publication(publication)'publication changed: {ibname}') def remove(self, ibname: str): """ Remove publication """ self._apache_cfg.remove_publication(ibname)'publication removed: {ibname}') pub_parser = reqparse.RequestParser() pub_parser.add_argument('name', required=True, type=str, help='name required') pub_parser.add_argument('url', type=str) pub_parser.add_argument('file', type=str) url_parser = reqparse.RequestParser() url_parser.add_argument('url', type=str) url_parser.add_argument('file', type=str) url_req_parser = reqparse.RequestParser() url_req_parser.add_argument('url', type=str, required=True) def load_config(filename: str = 'config.yml'): with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as cfg_file: return yaml.safe_load(cfg_file) def get_config(): if 'config' not in g: g.config = load_config() return g.config def get_webpub1c(): if 'webpub1c' not in g: g.webpub1c = WebPub1C(get_config()) return g.webpub1c def load_infobases(config) -> List[str]: result = [] if 'infobases' in config and 'server_file' in config['infobases']: result = br_get_infobases(config['infobases']['server_file']) return result def validate_url(url: Optional[str]): if url is not None: if not is_valid_filepath(url, platform='posix'): abort(400, message='invalid url') class InfobasesAvailable(Resource): def get(self) -> List[str]: cfg = get_config() bases = load_infobases(cfg) return bases class Config(Resource): def get(self): return get_config() class ConfigTest(Resource): def get(self): webpub = get_webpub1c() return webpub.check() class InfobasesAll(Resource): def get(self) -> List[Dict[str, str]]: cfg = get_config() webpub = get_webpub1c() infobase_names = load_infobases(cfg) pubs = webpub.publications() result: List[Dict[str, str]] = [] for name in infobase_names: publicated = False for pub in filter(lambda x: x["name"] == name, pubs): publicated = True result.append(pub) break if not publicated: result.append(infobase_data_blank(name)) return result class Publications(Resource): def get(self) -> List[Dict[str, str]]: webpub = get_webpub1c() return webpub.publications() def put(self): args = pub_parser.parse_args() validate_url(args.url) webpub = get_webpub1c() url = args.url if in webpub.list(): abort(409, message=f'publication exists: {}') try: url = webpub.add(, url, args.file) except Exception as e: abort(422, message=f'publication failed: {}', traceback=traceback.format_exc()) return {'message': 'created', 'name':, 'url': url}, 201 class Publication(Resource): def get(self, name: str): webpub = get_webpub1c() if name not in webpub.list(): abort(404, message=f'publication not found: {name}') return { name: webpub.get(name) } def put(self, name: str): args = url_parser.parse_args() validate_url(args.url) webpub = get_webpub1c() url = args.url if name in webpub.list(): abort(409, message=f'publication exists: {name}') try: url = webpub.add(name, url, args.file) except Exception as e: abort(422, message=f'publication failed: {name}', traceback=traceback.format_exc()) return {'message': 'created', 'name': name, 'url': url}, 201 def delete(self, name: str): webpub = get_webpub1c() if name not in webpub.list(): abort(404, message=f'publication not found: {name}') try: webpub.remove(name) except Exception as e: abort(422, message='delete failed', traceback=traceback.format_exc()) return {'message': 'deleted', 'name': name} class PublicationURL(Resource): def get(self, name: str): webpub = get_webpub1c() if name not in webpub.list(): abort(404, message=f'publication not found: {name}') return { 'url': webpub.get(name)['url'] } def post(self, name: str): args = url_req_parser.parse_args() validate_url(args.url) webpub = get_webpub1c() url = args.url if name not in webpub.list(): abort(404, message=f'publication not found: {name}') try: webpub.set_url(name, url) except Exception as e: abort(422, message=f'set url failed', traceback=traceback.format_exc()) return {'message': 'success', 'name': name, 'url': url} class EnterpriseModule(Resource): def get(self): webpub = get_webpub1c() if not webpub.has_module(): abort(404, message='not found') return { 'message': 'found' } def put(self): webpub = get_webpub1c() if webpub.has_module(): abort(304, message='already added') webpub.add_module() return { 'message': 'success' } class ApacheRestartFlag(Resource): def get(self): cfg = get_config() flagfile = cfg.get('apache_restart_flagfile', apache_restart_flagfile) if not os.path.isfile(flagfile): abort(404, message='not found') return { 'message': 'found' } def put(self): cfg = get_config() flagfile = cfg.get('apache_restart_flagfile', apache_restart_flagfile) if os.path.isfile(flagfile): abort(304, message='found') with open(flagfile, 'a'): pass return { 'message': 'success' } class APIIndex(Resource): def get(self): return ['infobases-available', 'infobases-all', 'publications', 'module', 'config', 'config-test', 'apache-restart'] frontend_dir = 'frontend/dist' app = Flask(__name__, static_url_path='/', static_folder=frontend_dir, template_folder=frontend_dir) api = Api(app, '/api/v1/') cors = CORS(app, resources={r"/api/*": {"origins": "*"}}) api.add_resource(InfobasesAvailable, '/infobases-available') api.add_resource(InfobasesAll, '/infobases-all') api.add_resource(Publications, '/publications', '/publications/') api.add_resource(Publication, '/publications/') api.add_resource(PublicationURL, '/publications//url') api.add_resource(EnterpriseModule, '/module') api.add_resource(Config, '/config') api.add_resource(ConfigTest, '/config-test') api.add_resource(ApacheRestartFlag, '/apache-restart') api.add_resource(APIIndex, '/') @app.route('/') def index(): return index_content with app.app_context(): get_config() get_webpub1c() index_content = render_template("index.html") if __name__ == '__main__':